Monday, October 11, 2010

How Will You Be Remembered?

This is the complied list I had asked for on September 21, shortly after my beloved's passing, about what one word would you use to describe and remember Amy Krambeck Campbell. It is absolutely incredible how many lives one person could touch in such a short period of time, many of which she did from the couch or bed of our home. I would not say that she necessarily did it in comfort, but I would without a shadow of a doubt say she did it with the utmost and deepest love of all, Agape love. Agape love is a love that is only obtainable by a deep and meaningful relationship with God the Father, Christ Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is full dependence and reliance upon His Spirit and strength that allows one to see and love as Amy did.

So after reading this post, my prayer is that you will take a moment and examine your life, your heart, the way you live. However, do not use your feelings or understanding or standards, but God's. Let Him show you his Agape love. Let Him give you a peace that surpasses all understanding, and above all, let Him give you His grace. His grace to forgive the things that really don't matter in this life, His grace to become reconciled to Him and to those you love. His grace to love the life He gives you each day, and to live it to your fullest potential, and for His glory.

Today is that day to make these changes, and begin by asking yourself, when your time comes, how will you be remembered? I miss you and love you for eternity baby!!!

Psalm 118:24 - This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!!

September 21st, 2010 - One of the first posts I made on FaceBook after Amy's passing

I am looking for EVERYONE'S input on one word that they feel described Amy Krambeck Campbell for I am just learning from many of you and have a bunch of new friends. Please reply back with your name and your word as this is going in her memorial book for me (us). Thank you all so very much for allowing her (us) to be a part of your lives!!!

Shawn Campbell -  The word I used to describe my wife - AMAZING!!!!

Rebecca Gill -  Compassionate!!

Susan Schotsch Warburton - determined

Mandy Ray Jones - bold

Juan Camargo - One word? Geeze.... that's kinda hard. Love

Dorothy Gibson (Aunt Dorothy) - Godly

Luella Long Lu - dedicated

Shelly Harmon Beebe - Glee :-)

Ben Stallman - devoted

Darren Reames - one word things are hard.. there's LIFE, there's Godly, there's friend... but I'll go with Rebecca, COMPASSIONATE about those she loved and called friends and also about the things she cared about

Lauren Ashley Lauren- Loving :)

Becky Molloy - Saint

Brooke Freeman Pettigrew - determined and warm (i know that's two, sorry.)

Ericka Luidhardt - Life

Rafe Spraker - My "Sola" Friend

Rik Gracia - Gentle

Nikki Galagher - caring

Shane Black Infoulable-preppy

Jessica Jones Stallman -  BEST-friend. It's 2 words but I can't just say friend. She was my BEST friend. So when you write it, throw in a hyphen or sumpin... Love you bruh

Leah Hatmaker - Beautiful there are so many words

Lynnie Keith-Wenneson - angel dove, such a beautiful spirit and always putting others first

Beth Delaney -  Inspirational! Accepting! Compassionate! (I could keep going here, but I'm sure that I've exceeded my one word to describe Amy limit!)

Connie Stallings - Amy and i went to elementary school together she was the most "selfless" person I have ever known.

Fran Scarborough - Honest...


  1. This site is a joke.......just to gain more followers. Poor blind people. If only they all knew how fake you are. Pretty sad when you have to use your deceased wife to gain attention. Someone should have stopped her from ever coming back to you after that night. If only.........

  2. Amy did not deserve to be treated the way Shawn treated her. No woman should have to endure what he put her through. God help every woman that he marries. It won't be long before they are treated the same as he has done many times in his past. Don't let him fool you.

  3. The pic. above of our Amy looks as if she is saying....."How could you??" And if she were here I believe that is exactly what she would say.

  4. Shawn has also stolen from Amy's 2 children. He did not file probate when Amy died.

    BY TENNESSEE LAW he was supposed to file probate.

    1. She did not have a will.
    2. She had heirs.
    3. The heirs are not his biological children.

    Check the law yourself if you don't believe me.
    He stole all of the money from Amy's disability back pay, he stole all of the money from the account that was back pay to each child.

  5. He left town (as planned) and didn't take care of nothing. He acted as if her children loved him but it was quite the opposite. He treated them awful AND they remember and always will. And no one should have been treated the way Amy was (little do any of Amy's friends know). And for him to reap all the 'glory' as if he was a saint! Makes me sick! He is a FAKE! He preaches and preaches cause he knows what he has done and he trys to make everyone think he is sent from heaven above. If they only knew what he did he wouldn't have one single friend and he knows it. Hiding behind your religion doesn't take away the memories of that tragic night, nor does it promise you a spot in heaven. The one and only positive thing of all of this is that Amy won't ever see him again, even in heaven. "My God" doesn't condone what he did to Amy. AND Shawn knows all of this. That is why he preaches and preaches his own interpretation of the bible. Of all the studying he has done on his "Calvanism" not ANY of it will promise him a spot in heaven because he obviously doesn't know the true God that all christians know. Don't be fooled by this fool and watch out for the wolf in sheep's clothing. I pray that Amy's friends will see him for what he really is. It is really unbelievable how so many can't see what her family has been trying to say. AND what her girls have said. Wonder if he locks Susan out of his "computer room" while he 'works' Poor Amy....all the time he was 'working' on his next victim. Poor wife number six. If she only knew.......

  6. You couldn’t even keep the blog going for a month. You’re a fake and cheating liar! You spent all of your time not being a good person but talking to other woman in your ‘office’. I remember one day I walked in there and you yelled at me but I saw what was on your computer. My mother was in constant pain. How could you use such a precious woman??? Trying to make this blog to help yourself cover up fraud! You hurt my sister and I so much and I will never be able to forget that. You raped my mother. You drank. You cheated. You’re a filthy, evil person! For years when I was outside I was afraid I’d see your car. Anytime I saw someone that looked like you I cried in fear! You stole from us. You took the money that my dad worked hard for to help us. You took all of it. And on top of that I think you killed my mother and not to mention all of cats that magically died of cancer in the same week. You had her cremated before she could get an autopsy. Who would have a woman burned before detectives could get a hold of her??? A MURDERER!! She was 30 when she passed so BY LAW SHE WAS TO GET AN AUTOPSY!! And goodness gracious who needs that many wifes?!?! You steal all of there money and you deserve to go to court and have every penny taken from you! You cheated through it. You’re awful. Best hope you get right with God on this.

  7. All of the comments are true. Shawn is an evil man.
