Thursday, September 30, 2010

Amy's Dove Chocolates Saying of the Day

Now I (we, our family) are not the kind of people that believe in witchcraft, the occult, mediums, etc. but, this whole Dove chocolate thing is getting a little freaky (but in a fun good way). It is almost like Amy reminding me of things of how she felt about me as a husband, and the others she interacted with on a daily basis. It is also therapeutic, as it brings joy to my heart (plus yummy chocolate to my tummy), and hopefully brings a smile to y'all's faces. Sure, we are all still going through a difficult valley, but Amy would be one of the first to tell us there is no valley too deep that Christ cannot get us out of, and even when just one sheep is hurting, He will be there for them in all things. I know (and there are many others) am that hurt sheep. If it was not for my wonderful family (GCA our home church, Amy's relatives, my relatives, our friends) I would be locked up for good by now. So I close before the sayings, thank you ALL so much again for your extended grace, love, hospitality, generosity, faith, prayers, and encouragement. There is still a long road to travel, but the leader has not changed, so it is on Christ the solid Rock we stand.

Grace & peace...


1) Believe in love at first sight, just in case!!! (that was Amy with me ALL the way :o)
2) Say "I love you" every day to your loved ones (We are both telling y'all that again)
3) Love yourself. Dare to dream. Live on purpose! (again, another motto I saw Amy live)

By the way, when I am writing these out, I am also writing them in the order that I opened and ate them. That is what makes it even more weird.

Thanks again for allowing me the privilege our sharing my beloved Baby with all of you. That is how she lived her on earth, and that is the way she will remain in our hearts :o) 

My Murfreesboro - By Amy D Campbell

The following poem was written a few years ago about Murfreesboro TN, the city in which we live. Amy (on top of everything else) was a historical fanatic and obsessed (in a great way) with these types of things. She once told me, if she would have been able to, she would have gone to school to become a historical preservationist. Please enjoy the beauty, the life, and the love of my beloved soul mate, Amy D. Campbell.  God Bless

My Murfreesboro

Here's to the town that I so love,
Whose style will never cease,
Who keeps my heart in their lovely homes
Down oak and elm lined streets

So rich in history, she is,
Oh, I can just imagine
Louisianna Collier's face
As she gazed on her grand new mansion

And Adeline Maney relaxing on
A porch where breezes blow
And carry with them wings of cotton
and the scents of Main Street's stores

How I'll look back with tears and smiles
When I think of all the times
I daydreamed and I gathered shells
at Stone's River's sides.

Oh, place of beauty, place of faith,
May God always hold you dear
I'll look on you with sentiment
And water your earth with my tears

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Amy's Dove Chocolates Saying of the Day

I had forgotten to eat (and post) the three dove chocolate sayings of the day yesterday, so I did it first thing this morning.

I always find it quite interesting and humorous on what I get when I open each one and taste the savory taste of Dove chocolates that she so loved. So without further ado...

1) Build a bridge and get over it
2) Look for love in unexpected places
3) It's OK not to do it all

I know that you might find this weird in a sort of way, but hey, it is fun thinking of her this way and helping me cope :o)

Grace & peace...

Somewhere I Have Never Travelled, Gladly Beyond - E.E. Cummings

This poem and author (E.E. Cummings) was one of Amy's favorites
and this was forwarded to me by one of Amy's best friends, Aliesha.
Thank you for reminding us, and sharing with us such a wonderful
memory of Amy. 

Somewhere I have never traveled, gladly beyond
any experience,your eyes have their silence:
In your most frail gesture are things which enclose me,
or which I cannot touch because they are too near

Your slightest look will easily unclose me
though I have closed myself as fingers,
You open always petal by petal myself as Spring opens
(touching skilfully, mysteriously)her first rose

Or if your wish be to close me, I and
my life will shut very beautifully, suddenly,
as when the heart of this flower imagines
the snow carefully everywhere descending;
nothing which we are to perceive in this world equals
the power of your intense fragility: whose texture
compels me with the color of its countries,
rendering death and forever with each breathing

(I do not know what it is about you that closes
and opens;only something in me understands
the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses)

Nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands

Drawing a blank - at a loss for words

Let us consider the way in which we spend our lives.

This world is a place of business. What an infinite bustle! I am awaked almost every night by the panting of the locomotive. It interrupts my dreams. There is no sabbath. It would be glorious to see mankind at leisure for once. - Henry David Thoreau

I must admit that exhaustion has set it and things have become sluggish. I need to take time to regather my thoughts and memories. Time spent on taking care of the necessities and loose ends was more than I cared to do.

One thought I did have though as I continued to go through all of her stuff (which really is only the beginning) is how did I get so busy in life to let her's slip through mine? Where did the days of blessing and love go? I must admit that I am ashamed that I was too busy working, and too burned out on life to enjoy the finer things that God had graciously blessed me with. I worked hard to provide finances for our family, yet Amy worked harder to provide our family a home.

Amy was always busy with home maker things, which to me is a rarity these days. She would home school the girls, sew baby pillows for those who were expecting, make clothes for her and the girls, just home maker stuff. These are the only fond memories that come from a deep pool of such, and yet I have hardly drawn from it. I am now feeling like I have been cheated by her going home too soon. I appreciated all that she has done for my life and that of our girls, and am even appreciating some of them more now, only wishing she were still here, but healthy, to enjoy them with me.

Yet, to God be the glory, for He needed her for a purpose far more than I, and I too some day will be with them both.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

In the beginning

This is not about the very beginning, but the beginning as husband and wife.

I was going through some of our things last night and came across a WONDERFUL and romantic book (you know Amy), called Captivating Couples - celebrating love on the silver screen. An awesome wedding present along with an AWESOME scrapbook.

Here is in Amy's words, our first day as husband and wife.

To my most precious husband Shawn on our wedding day;

You are the blessing that I have always been waiting for. I praise God for bringing you into my life, for all the beauty and goodness you have shown me, and for the many promises before us. I swear to always honor, cherish, and adore you. I will love you for eternity!!! May the Lord bless us, keep us, make His face shine upon us, and be gracious unto us.

I love you (with a heart drawn around it).

Amy D. Campbell

Many of us experience the providence of God and take it for granted each day. I am ashamed to say, but I know I did. Amy was a once in a hundred lifetimes type of woman, and ANY man who was lucky enough to have her as a wife would have been blessed beyond measure. I know I was, and as selfish as it may seem, I keep wanting one more day, and I know that she would do it for her family, because she has wrestled with God for four years to give us; her family, her friends, and her support groups all that she had, by and through the grace of God.

I miss you baby, Mrs. Amy D. Campbell (she was so proud to be called that, and when I did, her face lit up like a little kid!!!) See you soon :o)

Monday, September 27, 2010

It's all about Dove - Chocolates that is :o)

The other day I broke down and purchased some Dove chocolates while at the grocery store. Dove chocolates were one of Amy's favorites (but one of her nicknames was a coincidence). Anyway, for those of you who have not have Dove chocolates before (thanks for getting me hooked baby ;o) they have little sayings inside the wrappers. So I took three chocolates at random, and hope for some laughs while writing about Amy. These are the following three wrappers that came out.

1) Every woman is a super (role) model.
2) Live life for the experiences, not the posessions
3) When you give with joy, joy is your reward

Thanks for the laughs and the memories baby!!! I miss you so.



Why is it?

Why is it on the days of death the sun does not seem to shine? Is it God's way of reminding us to take the time for mourning?

The day you went home baby I was a sun shiny day, but today when I picked up your remains from the funeral home, the skies were gray, and some raindrops had fell. It reminded me of the sadness of where I was at and why I was there. The color of the sky (gray) reminded me of one of your favorite colors, black being one of the others. The raindrops remind me that even though I am very sad, that you would want me to at least find a happy moment between the two of us as well. If that is the case, it is going to be a long time, and a wonderful journey. I miss you and long for your soft touch and your sweet kisses. I hope to see you soon, even if it starts with my dreams.

So the funny moment happens right after writing this note (it was actually hand written this morning).

So I am doing errands this morning and one of the first stops is to pick up Amy's remains from the funeral home. As they are finishing getting everything together, I step out to the car to hand write what I posted above. Well, I never EVER leave my keys in my hands or anywhere else (you probably know by now where this is going). I finished writing and needed to get back inside. I heard a slight tinkling sound as I opened the car door and I did as I usually do without thinking, I locked the door and then shut it. It took about 20 seconds for it to register in my brain...Tinkling sound, car door locked and shut, NOOOOOOOOO!!! Sure enough I looked helplessly in my car window and there lay the keys in the drivers seat locked securely.

Now when Amy meant for me to have some humorous things to remember, I did not think that meant starting now and working my way backwards. I was a little upset about the whole situation, but then I felt calm, looked up and said "I am laughing right there with you baby!!!" I could her her say, I told you you would forget some day. Thanks for making the day better baby, I miss you and love you LOTS!!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

I never thought it would hurt this bad

I am grieved and pressed down so far right now. I long for your touch and your lips pressing against mine. The enemy is trying to attack me with past thoughts, words, and deeds. I wish I could have spent every moment with you, embraced in your arms, kissing your lips, looking into your gorgeous eyes that were so beautiful, they were literally the windows to your soul.

As I look back now at the missed opportunities and the moments we should have had together, the sorrow cuts deeper all the more. I know you have forgiven me and now I need to be able to forgive myself. However, it is hard for you are not here for me to tell this to you in person. I am not quite sure how heaven and all works, but I pray that these words get to you. I look forward to the day of seeing you in all your beauty, completely healed, and embrace and kiss you once again. This time without mistake or regret, and for all eternity, the way promised each other, forever and always.

I miss you baby as do many others. Thank you for your prayers from above, and through Him and the promises that He has made to the saints, I find comfort and peace. I know one day I shall be able to thank Him face to face as you have done. Then I hope we can pick up where we left off. See you soon!!!

The first day of the week - A new beginning

This has always been one of my favorite (and best pictures I personally have every taken). It reminds me of our first date and it shows in her face how happy she was to finally have me (but we had not even discussed marriage yet). So I found it fitting since the first week of the pain of losing my best friend and soulmate has passed. It was a very rough weekend in more ways than one, but we won't get into that.

One of the biggest (and hardest things) I am grateful for today, is that we get to go back to worshiping with the saints at GCA, One of Amy's most favorite things to do was to listen to sermons, sermons jams, study God's word (ESPECIALLY with me (and I am so honored) and the girls in our devotional times). Amy, in case you did not know, loved the Lord our God, with ALL of her soul, might, strength. She was a witness and an earthly angel (I know I am being a little biased ;o) for doing God's work. Amy would share her witness and testimony boldly and proudly (sometimes got her into deep theological debates) on her sleeve and her heart.

Through the course of the four years that we were married, Amy knew with all of her health problems that she could not go as far as she did without the grace of God. There are times that she would cry and say that she could, and did not want to go on anymore. Yet, she knew the Sovereignty of God well, and knew if she was still here through all of this, there was a reason, and she would remain faithful, obedient, and run the race to the very end.

She could not have also made it this far without her church family, and Grace Christian Assembly (GCA) our home church has been such a blessing to our family before, during, and now after, to our family. We are proud and very honored to have such wonderful saints to have been in our lives. Although today will be difficult, I know that Amy is there with us in spirit and listening from the throne room above to her beloved Pastor Jim McClarty and enjoying the privilege of worship in the fullest presence of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Wishing you all comfort, peace, and the richest graces of God during these difficult times.

Grace & peace...

Shawn Campbell 

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The First Time - Not the Way I Intended

You know when there's that time in life that you wanted to do something BIG, something special, but never got around to it? Well, this is my time, and I surely wish it was under different circumstances.

It all still seems so surreal. I (like many others I am sure) am catching myself at times thinking it is time to bring her home from the hospital. To others, it may be the next email, phone call, words of; compassion, love, encouragement, and hope. Today marks the one week anniversary of the passing of my beloved soulmate, Amy Krambeck Campbell.

This site is dedicated to the memories of her life; her God, her family, her friends, and all the lives that she touched while she was here, unbeknown to us that she was teaching in the ways of the Lord. She was a whole-hearted believer and follower of Christ through and through. She loved me like no one ever has, could, or will again.

Although it is quite painful right now as I can hardly see through the tears while I type. I would like to close this post with words of comfort for you all as well. Amy loved EVERYONE, was selfless, giving, kind hearted, warm, and loving beyond measure. She treated everyone fairly and helped whenever she could in any capacity. She lived and loved for her favorite ministries of her Intra-Cranial Hypertension (IH) and Bound for life (pro-life) groups. I know that one of the saints has gone home all too soon, but the Sovereignty of God finished the chapter and race with her, and ushered her gently and joyfully into her room in the mansion. She is still praying for us all, but now is doing it in heaven instead of trying to do it closer from here.

Thank you ALL for your friendship (and new friendships as well) and allowing Amy to be a part of y'alls lives. She still is and always will be a part of all of us. Yet, she wants us to move on and to live and love as she did, and not waste any precious moments of each breath that God allows us to have. As our dear Pastor Jim said during her eulogy, please, tell you stories. Tell your stories about her, tell your stories about your own lives and loved ones. Set aside the differences and the struggles of life, even just for a few moments and tell or write that special person who means the world to you. I know I just did, and will continue to do so the rest of my days.

Grace & peace...

Shawn M. Campbell (a.k.a DOC - the geek)