Thursday, September 30, 2010

My Murfreesboro - By Amy D Campbell

The following poem was written a few years ago about Murfreesboro TN, the city in which we live. Amy (on top of everything else) was a historical fanatic and obsessed (in a great way) with these types of things. She once told me, if she would have been able to, she would have gone to school to become a historical preservationist. Please enjoy the beauty, the life, and the love of my beloved soul mate, Amy D. Campbell.  God Bless

My Murfreesboro

Here's to the town that I so love,
Whose style will never cease,
Who keeps my heart in their lovely homes
Down oak and elm lined streets

So rich in history, she is,
Oh, I can just imagine
Louisianna Collier's face
As she gazed on her grand new mansion

And Adeline Maney relaxing on
A porch where breezes blow
And carry with them wings of cotton
and the scents of Main Street's stores

How I'll look back with tears and smiles
When I think of all the times
I daydreamed and I gathered shells
at Stone's River's sides.

Oh, place of beauty, place of faith,
May God always hold you dear
I'll look on you with sentiment
And water your earth with my tears

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