Sunday, September 26, 2010

I never thought it would hurt this bad

I am grieved and pressed down so far right now. I long for your touch and your lips pressing against mine. The enemy is trying to attack me with past thoughts, words, and deeds. I wish I could have spent every moment with you, embraced in your arms, kissing your lips, looking into your gorgeous eyes that were so beautiful, they were literally the windows to your soul.

As I look back now at the missed opportunities and the moments we should have had together, the sorrow cuts deeper all the more. I know you have forgiven me and now I need to be able to forgive myself. However, it is hard for you are not here for me to tell this to you in person. I am not quite sure how heaven and all works, but I pray that these words get to you. I look forward to the day of seeing you in all your beauty, completely healed, and embrace and kiss you once again. This time without mistake or regret, and for all eternity, the way promised each other, forever and always.

I miss you baby as do many others. Thank you for your prayers from above, and through Him and the promises that He has made to the saints, I find comfort and peace. I know one day I shall be able to thank Him face to face as you have done. Then I hope we can pick up where we left off. See you soon!!!

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